Happy woman in the snow

Stay Energized and Beat the Winter Blues: 5 Tips to Thrive

The long, dark days of winter can sometimes leave us feeling sluggish, low on energy, and a little down. But the good news is, there are simple ways to keep your spirits high and your energy steady all season long! Here are five powerful tips to help you beat the winter blues and thrive during the colder months:

1. Catch the Morning Light (Even if It’s Cloudy)

Exposure to natural light first thing in the morning is like a reset button for your internal clock. Getting outside within 30 minutes of waking up helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which in turn supports better sleep and steadier energy levels. Even if the sky is overcast, that morning light can make a big difference. Bonus tip: Pair your morning light exposure with a hot cup of tea or coffee to make it a cozy, enjoyable ritual.

2. Balance Blood Sugar, Balance Your Mood

Your energy and mood are closely tied to how well you’re managing your blood sugar. Avoid the mid-afternoon crashes by eating meals and snacks that combine protein, healthy fats, and whole food carbs. For example, try avocado on gluten-free toast, a smoothie with nut butter and spinach, or apple slices with almond butter. These combinations provide lasting energy and help keep your mood stable throughout the day. I usually recommend eating every 3-4 hours, so if you’re needing a snack, bone broth is a perfect beverage that packs a bit of protein and is amazing for gut health and digestion.

3. Movement is Medicine

Exercise isn’t just good for your body—it’s one of the most effective ways to boost your mood. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a quick yoga flow, or a dance party in your living room, movement releases endorphins (your body’s natural feel-good chemicals). You don’t need to overdo it; even 10 minutes of movement can give you an instant mood lift. There is nothing about popping on some 2010’s pop hits to workout to. It always gets me dancing before my strength training session. I have also noticed I feel WAY more productive and motivated after my cool down, because I have already filled my cup and shown myself some self-respect and of course tackled a hard thing I may not have been “in the mood to do”.

4. Embrace the practice of “Candling Down”

When the sun sets early, it’s tempting to lean into the coziness—and you should! I can’t tell you how many client conversations I have had where they instantly notice more sleepiness or feelings of relaxation as soon as that time chaneg hits. Create a relaxing evening environment by dimming the lights, lighting a few candles, and swapping screens for books or journaling. If you need to be on your devices, consider wearing blue-light-blocking glasses to protect your sleep cycle and prevent late-night “tired yet wired” feelings. A calm evening routine helps signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for restful sleep.

5. Initiate or participate in social activities

This one is especially important for my fellow introverts…Winter isolation can creep in if we’re not careful, but staying connected with others is a proven mood booster. Social interactions can provide the emotional warmth we crave during the colder months, whether it’s a coffee date with a friend, joining a hobby group, or hosting a game night at home. Sharing laughs and good conversation is one of the best remedies for the winter blues. One of my recent social outlets has been going to a book club. It’s been fun to connect with other women in my city that I probably wouldn’t have normally met and it brings in one of my other fave hobbies, reading!

By incorporating these five tips into your daily routine, you can stay energized, happy, and balanced all winter long. Remember, small, consistent actions can make a big difference in how you feel.

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