Why Non-Toxic and Organic Menstrual Care Matters
Let’s dive into a crucial topic that affects us all: menstrual care products.
I know I talk a lot about properly sourcing food and aiming for nutrient-density, reducing inflammation as well as looking at toxin exposure and how that can congest your detoxification systems which can affect your hormones, gut and skin health. I actually dove a bit deeper into this topic, inside my Detox Blueprint Masterclass if you’re interested in learning more.
But I wanted to unpack the topic of period care products more specifically because reality is, we are all on a journey in some form or fashion of getting to know our bodies and becoming more familiar with our cycles and what they are trying to tell us.
If you’re like me you probably grew up on conventional tampons, pads, liners, etc. I remember the first time I wanted to go swimming after getting my period but I didn’t think I could because hello, pads and swimsuits don’t exactly fit. Thus my mom, bless her, introduced me to the tampon… I was scared and felt super weird about sticking something up there, not to mention I had no clue where to put it. And this was the kind of tampon that didn’t have an applicator…need I say more?
Flash forward, years down the road, and many many boxes of tampons and liners because somehow, your girl always seemed to leak. Fantastic! I also never bought a pair of white jeans. I just wasn’t in the business of potentially socially scarring myself. Cool, I’m sure you can relate in some form or fashion. These growing-pain types of stories are what make us as women unique and beautiful. Getting to know this new part of ourselves and our bodies and what we are capable of. It’s mind-blowing now, though my high school years consisted of never wanting to have a period again. Thank you cramps!
But I digress! We are here to talk about period care products and why it may be worth making the swap to non-toxic options for the sake of your dear vagina, your lovely hormones and let’s face it your overall health.
Alright!! Let’s start off with some fast facts, cool?
Common symptoms associated with conventional products:
Beyond these mentioned, remember that any sort of inflammatory trigger or toxin is going to encourage our bodies to stay in that fight-or-flight state. And this in turn, can throw a wrench in our efforts to balance our hormones, clear our skin, resolve our digestive issues, etc.
Non-toxic Period Care Alternatives
First, it’s going to depend on your personal preference but nowadays there is a non-toxic option for all categories, whether you’re a tampon Tina, pad Penny, or cup Callie.

My favorite brand that I have been using for the past year or so is Viv for your V. They have the full lineup of pads, tampons, liners, silicone cups, as well as different bundle options.
I personally use their menstrual cup and liners on days I’m finishing up my period and spotting a little. I’ve used menstrual cups for probably close to 10 years now and this is only my second one. I only switched to Viv for your V a year ago because the previous brand I was using was just not as comfortable and despite how well I cleaned and sanitized it, it inevitably stained (it was clear…yeah). Which is why I like the Viv cup more, simply because it’s black and you can’t see a single stain. They are also super affordable, sustainable and will last you for years!
For my menstrual cup newbies, I know it can seem daunting, but they provide instructions and walk you through how to use them. I promise, when they are inserted properly, you can’t even feel it. So don’t worry! But if you’re not ready to try out the cup, you can definitely check out their other products. You can use my code: DENAE15 to save 15% at checkout.
There is also the option of using non-toxic period underwear, though I personally haven’t used any so I can’t speak on a brand in particular. But it is another option if you’re looking for something more sustainable/reusable.
Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, Denae I’ve swapped these out already and I still have cramps every month! It may be worth looking into other factors contributing to higher inflammation in the body. This is something I walk my 1:1 clients through. Closely assessing their rhythm, routine and habits to see where there may be blindspots. As well as bringing in functional testing like the GI-Map and HTMA to look at systems that may be needing some support. If you’re interested in learning more and applying, here is the link to do so.
Until next time, stay nourished friends,
*This post contains affiliate links.
References: Jardim, N. (2020). Love up your Liver. In Fix your Period (pp. 171–172). New York, NY: HaperCollins.